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Integrating TypeORM with Next.js

Written by Simran Sharma | Dec 14, 2023 12:04:42 PM


A popular React framework called Next.js allows programmers to create scalable and fast online apps. TypeORM is a feature-rich Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for TypeScript and JavaScript that excels in data management and database interaction. This article will demonstrate how to easily integrate TypeORM with Next.js, laying the groundwork for developing applications that are focused on data.


Make sure you have installed the following dependencies and tools before starting this integration journey:

  • Node.js and npm
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • TypeORM
  • A relational database (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite)

STEP 1:  Establishing the Project

Use the following commands to set up a new Next.js project and configure TypeScript:  

STEP 2:  Configuring a Database

Create a typeorm.config.js file to connect to the relational database of your choice. Adjust the setup using your database credentials:

STEP 3:  Defined Entity Frameworks

Make entity models to symbolize the tables in your database. Let's make an example of a User entity:

STEP 4:  Developing API Paths

To manage different database operations and implement API routes. A route to retrieve every user, for instance:

STEP 5:  Running Migrations

Make the required database tables based on your entity models by creating and executing migrations:


  • Safety Type:
    Because TypeORM is written in TypeScript and is integrated with Next.js, a TypeScript-supporting framework, your application will have a high degree of type safety.
  • Features of ORM:
    With the robust Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system offered by TypeORM, you can work with your database by utilizing TypeScript/JavaScript objects rather than plain SQL queries. Database interactions may become easier to understand and maintain as a result.
  • Migrations:
    Database migrations, which TypeORM facilitates, can be very helpful when handling schema changes to your database over time. When deploying updates to your Next.js application, this is especially helpful.
  • Agnosticism Towards Databases:
    Because TypeORM supports multiple databases, you can switch between different database engines without having to make major code changes to your application. This adaptability may come in handy if the specifications for your project change.
  • Development in Action:
    Because TypeORM is continuously developed and maintained, you can take advantage of updates, feature additions, and bug fixes.


  • Learning Curve:
    If you're unfamiliar with TypeORM, there may be a learning curve in comprehending and applying its concepts. This may initially impede development.
  • Overhead in Performance:
    Compared to pure SQL queries, ORMs can potentially cause some performance overhead. Even though TypeORM is intended to be efficient, complex queries may not execute as quickly as SQL that has been manually optimized.
  • Complexity of Abstraction:
    Writing custom queries when necessary or optimizing specific database operations may become more difficult due to the abstraction offered by an ORM such as TypeORM. Developers could find the abstraction to be restrictive.
  • Size of Dependency:
    Your project's dependency size increases when you add TypeORM. This could be a disadvantage if reducing dependencies is a concern, particularly for smaller projects or in situations where resources are scarce.
  • Not Always Required:
    Introducing an ORM might be overkill for smaller projects or if you'd rather write plain SQL queries. It introduces complexity that may not be necessary for simple data access requirements.


In conclusion, TypeORM and Next.js are potent for creating dependable and expandable web applications. This integration seamlessly connects your Next.js project and a relational database, enabling effective data management and interaction.

You have established a strong basis for data persistence by implementing TypeORM's Object-Relational Mapping features by following the steps listed. This helps your Next.js application be more maintainable and scalable while streamlining database interactions.

You can investigate more TypeORM features and optimizations as your project develops, including sophisticated querying, entity relationships, and database transaction management. This adaptability allows you to customize your application to meet particular business needs.