18 Key Ingredients to Build a Successful Mobile Application

18 Key Ingredients to Build a Successful Mobile Application

What is that one thing in your mind as an entrepreneur who is looking forward to creating a mobile app?

How will your app be able to get user attention and win the competitor race? Can you answer these questions? 

Do you know there are 1.84 million apps in the Apple store and 2.57 million apps in the Android app market

Yes, what will you do so that your app stands out?

Entering into the mobile app development market unprepared may damage your brand.

However, if you know how to invest your time and keep the building blocks right, the fundamental stage will be easier.

Your efforts will certainly be worth investing in the end.

If you plan to build an app, you should take care of all the apps related to the ecosystem.

You did not just have to build the app and simply release it, there is a lot more that goes into it.

Recommended Read: How to Find App Developers - A Comprehensive Guide

What all Goes into Making the App Successful? 

A successful mobile app is the one that gratifies the customer and that too quickly. It may be doing just one thing, but that is done exceptionally.

Mobile app development is a long process that involves many steps. Many companies strive to refine their mobile applications to meet user needs and then accomplish success.

18 Key Ingredients Ensuring the Success of your Mobile Application

1) Conduct in-depth Market Research

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Despite how great your application idea maybe, it is very important that you have a particular niche. 

Extensive market research should help you in discovering the following:

  • Who are your competitors?
  • What strategy are they following?
  • The customer's expectations
  • What are the user’s reviews?
  • The unique selling point (USP)

When you are able to successfully answer all the aforementioned questions, you will avoid the competitor’s mistakes and double up strategies.

There are millions of mobile apps in the iOS and Android store and this is the right opportunity for you to ensure your app stands out.

2) Define Elevator Pitch and Target Audience

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Do you know what the specific purpose of your app is? Is it any different from your competitor?

Any product or services that have the ability to solve a problem thereby satisfying consumer needs.

When we talk about mobile strategy, it is always good to think big. Make sure your app is either original or enhance the concept of a competitor app. 

Well, it is important to boil all your ideas down to one to two sentences and define:

  • The app’s key functionality
  • Why would your customers use it?
  • What is the USP or added value it serves?
  • What type of audience will benefit from it?

Be very honest while answering them.

There has to be a sense of purpose that meets the needs of your consumers. Never waste money building blind imitations that fail to get success.

Instead, it is better to have a clear vision of what you intend to get with the help of your app.

If there is no specific purpose, the app turns out to be irrelevant for the users.

Therefore, it is very important to understand the mind of your potential customers, and also their pain points.

This will help to provide insights on what problems the app can solve. 

3) Deliver Real Value 

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Are you sure your app is creating a unique value? 

All users have a lack of time. All they look for is speed and convenience. Make sure the app delivers customer value and encourages loyalty.

It can be real customer value at every step to drive and encourage loyalty. 

Any app that is easily accessible in different situations with various features is very presentable. It is important to validate app 

4) Keep it Simple

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The user experience plays an important role when we talk about the app’s success. Apps have to be task-oriented so it is good when it has limited but efficient features.

Any app that is difficult to use will not be used by the user. No matter what the functionality is, the simple it is, the better. 

Consider the below-mentioned questions before moving ahead:

  • Is your app making the life of the user simple?
  • Is the app flow intuitive?
  • Can users easily use the app without any guidance?
  • Are all the features of the app relevant?

The features are making the app easy to use or more complex.

Ultimately, it is very important that the app is user-friendly, easy to navigate and attractive.

If the app makes users busy in understanding how to use your app, the value of the app will be lost.

If the app has simplicity, there will be no reason they will be looking for another similar app.

5) Outsource Your Development

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A range of skills and loads of experience are the best elements provided by outsourcing.

Outsourcing mobile app development should be considered as it is a budget-friendly option.

And companies like India, Ukraine, and the Philippines are the outsourcing hubs offering the best solutions.

Whether you plan to create iOS or Android apps or a cross-platform app, it is recommended to hire mobile app developers.

This is because they have the experience of working with diverse projects and are upgraded with the latest technology stack.

6) Positioning Your App Well

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On which platforms do you plan to release your app: iOS or Android? Both have a large group of audience. 

The best is to implement a cross-platform app development framework.

Cross-platform is beneficial to reduce time and cost related to the development of the app separately on both the platforms. 

7) Information Architecture

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Information Architecture is defined as figuring out how the content has to be structured so that you get maximum accessibility.

In this user journey, it is important what steps you follow for app success.

What will be the features of the app and the overall functionality?

All this is briefly explained with the help of the Android developers or iOS developers

Basically, it starts with noting down the list of required or desired features and what you want in the app.

The outcome results in user flow that serves as building blocks for creating frameworks. 

8) Offline Functionality 

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Many apps rely on the availability of the Internet connection. Internet access is available everywhere but it is also important that the app developers you have hired build an app that functions offline also.

Having the feature to connect offline allows you to foster a positive user experience. 

9) High Performance

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Performance is the biggest predictor of mobile app success. You will agree that poor app performance leads to a negative user experience that costs plenty of downloads, revenue and brand perception. 

According to Dimensional Research, 80% of app users will try using a problematic app-only thrice or less. Therefore, it is crucial that your app works flawlessly.

The app designer you’ve hired should come up with something that improves the user experience.

After delivering the MVP, ask the cross-platform mobile app developers to release the first version so that your customers won't wait for long.

It is also important to get mobile software development services that fix the bugs.

Ask them to optimize the app for high performance and test and retest the app to make sure it is performing well. 

10) Test the App

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Testing the app before the launch is very important. Your target audience may not be using the app the way you think they will be.

Therefore, whenever you hire someone to build an app, it is important that they undergo user testing and understand the user's perspective.

During the later development stage, ask your developer if he is able to share the app with a larger community.

Gaining all the pain points helps you ensure that you have a very effective app user interface.

11) Free, Free, Free

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If you want more and more users to download your app, make it free. Everyone loves free apps, right? Give them a chance to download the app and enjoy the functionalities.

There will certainly be more people who will be using your app, and this increases the chances of success.

Your app development company will suggest how you can make use of ads or in-app purchases to make money.

Offering a basic free app is the key to hook in more and more users. If users enjoy the app, they will be happy with the in-app purchases and access the premium features.

12) Effective Marketing Strategy 

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Despite the fact how groundbreaking or flawless your app is-if no one downloads it, it is of no use.

Don’t think you will market your app only after the development has been completed by business mobile app developers.

It is important that you pre-plan about the pre-release marketing strategy.

Do you know that successful apps are promoted efficiently well-before their final release?

Yes. Divide the marketing approach into three steps: pre-release, release and post-release. So, make your users curious even before the app hits the market.

13) Personalization

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The mobile application development agency strives to provide a uniquely personalized app experience that drives conversions.

Epsilon's study declares that more than 80% of users expect a personalized experience from businesses.

App users expect personalization that is tailored as per their preferences and behavior.

You can leverage profile information insights from the user history to give recommended suggestions to the user. This in turns increases the app engagement, thereby making it successful.  

14) Innovation is the Key

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Innovation is undoubtedly a cornerstone to the success of every app or product.

In today’s scenario, it is quite important for the web and app development companies to focus on innovation.

If your mobile app development firm is not considering app updations with time, the lag may give the app a reverse gear.

15) Language is an Important Element

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There are approximately 117 actively used languages in the whole world.

Many users today prefer their choice of language and iOS/Android app development companies do understand this.

The language feature plays an important role in deciding the future of apps.

Your app supporting multiple languages will be in a win-win situation if you are considering it on a serious note.  

16) Take Care of User Engagement

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When the custom mobile app development company launches your app, how much time will it take to grab the attention of the users? 

Well, you have to first think about building user engagement with techniques like push notifications or in-app messaging.

The notifications remind customers regarding discounts, offers at the optimal time.

It is obvious that your customers expect you to understand your business. So, make sure your messages are of use to the customers.

Ask your mobile application programming company to teach you app analytics so that you can identify what content is engaging the users more. This will certainly help you to deliver effective personalization. 

17) Provide a Feedback Option

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As you take advantage of custom mobile application development services, you should know that intuitive customer service channels improve user experience. It is good if you are able to create a channel where customers can:

  • Communicate
  • Give feedback
  • Rate and review.

Allow your users to get connected with you and this will boost retention. If you want real success, make the complete process quick and seamless as it gives a good impact. 

18) Regularly Update 

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In this evolving landscape, you should iterate and react to your users quickly.

Collaborating with the app design companies, they ensure ongoing updates. Commit that your app features and content is relevant and updated. 

Wrapping Up

All the aforementioned points prove that merely developing an app doesn’t ensure success. It is a combination of a diverse range of activities and steps. 

Always remember the success strategy requires insight and direction so that an excellent user experience is built. 

Make a good product with the help of mobile developers, and thoroughly study your customers who will use it. Your results will be certainly measurable in the app exposure and download rates.

Now, you have finally reached a point where you can develop an app successfully by taking care of the points mentioned in the article.

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