15 Emerging Trends In Information Technology [2023]

15 Emerging Trends In Information Technology [2023]

Quick Summary:
Technology is everywhere; from work to home and phones to cars, it boosts lives and facilitates information and entertainment. Further, it is the primary catalyst for change, with emerging trends in information technology daily. And those who adopt and stay up to date with them are the ones that survive in the competitive market. Want to learn about technologies picking up steam in 2023? Please read the article to get an idea of the latest IT trends.


Technological innovations elevate much of the progress in the corporate industry. The cut-throat competition requires companies to stay tuned with technologies and pursue digital transformation. Suppose you consider incorporating a new piece of software or hardware; the question is not if you should implement it: instead, it is how quickly you should do it!

    • Adopting new technology is critical for business growth.

    • Using technology to its full potential will allow you to meet consumer-changing demands.

    • There are around 5.6 billion internet users worldwide. An online business presence will open the gate to serving more customers.

Adapting new trends is necessary for firms to deliver quality services, reduce spending, and boost user experience. It is a long-term strategy that asks for time, effort, and expertise. However, it is better to learn about emerging trends in information technology to understand which matches your business needs. This article aims to give an insight into the top technology trends in 2023 and their significance. So read ahead!

Key Takeaways
  • Technologies framed with innovative ideas allow you to anticipate change and handle uncertainty without compromising business growth.
  • Modern technologies inevitably impact one another. For example, a mobile internet depends on utility or on-demand computing and enhances IoT development. Hence, innovation in one of the areas will instigate digital transformation in the rest.
  • Companies undergoing a digital transformation must leverage the emerging trends in Information Technology to fasten the process.

15 Emerging Trends In Information Technology [2023]

Emerging technologies and trends

The IT industry is always active and on the go. Whatever your interests are, the virtual world has something for you. Here are the top emerging trends in information technology unfolding with their brief encapsulation.

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Language (ML) have been unquestionably one of the latest advancements in 2023. 

Next Move Strategy Consulting predicts robust growth in the artificial intelligence (AI) market in the upcoming decade. They anticipate a remarkable expansion, with its current valuation of almost 100 billion U.S. dollars projected to increase twentyfold by 2030, reaching close to two trillion U.S. dollars.

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Image Source: Statista

Today, you can find AI and ML in every field, from finance and healthcare to manufacturing and retail. The robust AI and ML pair aims to improve, automate, and process time-sensitive data with minimal human interference requirements. 

You can accelerate business processes, make informed decisions with an accurate perception of the purchasing behavior, gear the customer experience, and enable chatbots for communication. AI and ML allow you to extract value from piles of data, deliver business insights, automate tasks, ensure safety operations, and enhance system capabilities. 

Do you want to inculcate AI into your business? Hire AI developers and unlock new possibilities today!

Hire AI developers

2. Advanced Analytics

Advanced or predictive analytics generate a predictive model for specific applications, like marketing. It combines Artificial Intelligence and statistical techniques to anticipate outcomes. You can evaluate historical data, identify patterns, and observe trends to determine potential future events before they happen. 

It can aid in optimizing processes and performance, reducing risk, increasing asset utilization, and procuring more revenue opportunities, among other features. You can use the model to analyze dynamic market conditions and make strategic decisions, thus improving overall performance.

3. Datafication

Small and large firms across all sectors depend on data. It is safe to say that data underpins modern life; hence, it is vital to secure it. Smartphones, AI devices, industrial machines, etc., use data to communicate with humans and enhance lifestyles. Today you can transmute some aspects of your life into devices and software via data.

Datafication means converting human chores into data-driven technology. It transforms labor-intensive and manual procedures into digital devices powered by data. You can use real-time information to change social behavior into quantified data and improve customer experience.

4. Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been slowly gaining ground over the past decade. It utilizes various applications and software to automate manual tasks. You can lower expenses by automating data collection, analysis, and customer service.

In addition to reducing costs, you can focus on critical tasks by using bots to handle repetitive operations. It leads to an efficient workflow and better performance. Almost 95% of firms using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) admit that it improved productivity. 

Learn More: An Ultimate Guide To RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

5. Augmented and Virtual Reality

The virtual reality gaming industry and Augmented Reality revealed that humans are open to the idea of escaping the real world. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are modifying how you use screens and unlock the door to engaging and interactive experiences. Unsurprisingly, the VR and AR market may accumulate revenue worth $31.12 billion with 28.8% user penetration this year.

VR and AR technologies create and augment a captivating virtual environment and real-world scene. Virtual Reality places you inside a computer-generated landscape using a headset. Meanwhile, Augmented Reality plucks digital elements and puts them in your surroundings via a smartphone or visor.

6. IT Outsourcing

IT outsourcing is undergoing rapid and expansive growth, and this trend is projected to continue well into the foreseeable future. Recently, outsourcing in India has emerged as the most viable choice. Today, businesses are shifting their attention to enhancing their operations in centers located in India to increase profitability.

Reports indicate that nearly 64% of US businesses outsource at least one IT service, each with their unique objectives in mind. 

According to a report from MarketsandMarkets, the motivation behind outsourcing IT services includes cost reduction, heightened efficiency, and access to specialized skills. Approximately 32.2% of companies outsource to trim their overall costs, while 20% seek access to innovation. Another 15.4% outsource to enhance the quality of their operations.

It's not surprising, as studies suggest that companies can achieve savings between 70 to 90 percent in their overall labor costs by outsourcing their development operations.

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The IT outsourcing market size is expected to reach USD 1149.24 billion by 2032, with a current size of USD 565.43 billion and a CAGR of 8.2%. However, this trend is going to flourish in the coming years, as statistics suggest.


It outsourcing

7. Low-Code Technology

Low code is a visual approach that presents a quicker and easier software development process. Approximately 84% of organizations have implemented it to alleviate the stress of the IT team. Low code reduces hand-coding and features interactive tools to streamline app creation.

You can use in-built templates with drag and drop your preferred elements. It significantly improves the time-to-market and enhances customer satisfaction via simple navigation controls.

8. Natural Language Processing

Financial marketing is the number one Natural Language Processing (NLP) user. The technology obtains data from repositories, shares valuable insights into market sentiment, and informs about tender delays and closings.

NLP empowers computers to comprehend text and words the same way humans can. It assists in machine processes and equips devices to perform mundane tasks themselves. A few examples of NLP include spell check, ticket classification, and summarization.

Large Language Models, like ChatGPTs or Google's PaLM, have taken the world of artificial intelligence by storm. If you are also at square one and planning to learn how to build large language models, this is the right time for you!

9. CyberSecurity

The advent of computers and the internet formulated a new digital cyber sphere. A cyberattack occurs every 39 seconds. The increase in attacks and threats only underscores the need for a viable solution. Moreover, the old saying, “prevention is better than cure," fits well in the cyber world, where businesses lose $188,400 on cybercrime recovery.

Cybersecurity is a must-have for all internet users. You would not want to leave your computer and virtual data open for hackers, yes? Firewalls, antivirus software, and other software gain momentum as developers equip the earlier versions with cutting-edge features.

10. Cloud Migration

Are you looking to improve your agility to develop better workload management? Cloud computing or migration is the key! Around 80% of enterprises leverage multiple public or private cloud services. It enables efficient compliance processes, business operations, and data analysis.

Cloud computing blends software, business models, platforms, and infrastructure. Thus, you can maximize seamless adaptability, increase time to value, and meet the current demands of your industry.

11. Blockchain

You are not alone if you think of Bitcoin the minute someone says blockchain! It is understandable, seeing how banking and financial institutions were the first to explore its potential and benefits. However, blockchain is not all about digital currency!

It is a distributed ledger technology that records and tracks transactions and assets in the corporate. Gartner forecasts blockchain technology will generate over $3.1 trillion in business value by this decade. The decentralized model can manage credit risk and ensures immutable, safe, and private customer profiling. It promotes transparency and accountability in online transactions and asset ownership.

Say you are a part of the manufacturing sector. You can use blockchain technology to engineer a supply chain management system. The supply chain management platform will track goods, offer better visibility to business users, and record the processes.

12. Internet of Things

The IoT is a network of objects containing software, sensors, or other technical components. It minimizes human intervention and facilitates connection and data exchange between these devices or objects. The vast potential of IoT promises to add value to daily operations. Hence, companies planning to invest about $15 trillion in IoT by 2025 are no longer a shocker.

IoT allows you to achieve extensive functionality by furnishing a broader network. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, information security, and data analytics back the technology. You can employ the technology to create software frameworks, craft applications, and release the final product.

13. Offshore Software Development Services

According to recent data from Statista, IT outsourcing revenue is projected to experience a (CAGR) compound annual growth rate of 8.07% from the year 2023 to 2027, ultimately reaching a value of $587.30 billion by 2027.

The increasing demand for enterprises to stay competitive in the fast-changing digital environment drives growth in offshore software development.

The remarkable expansion in the IT sector is primarily attributed to the indispensable role played by outsourced software development in fulfilling this growing demand. The significant cost associated with software development has led businesses to increasingly offshore their software development projects.

The Offshore Software Development Market is poised for substantial growth, projected to USD 283,457.5 Million by 2030. This growth is expected to be driven by a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.13% from 2022 to 2030.

Hire offshore developers

Furthermore, various trends, including AI-powered development, cloud computing, decentralized and remote team environments, and software development security, are set to be pivotal in offshore software development.

These trends are anticipated to contribute significantly to the market's expansion, offering scalability and flexibility. The Global Offshore Software Development Market report comprehensively assesses the market landscape, and offshore development services are expected to go a long way.

14. Edge Computing

Edge computing is probably one of the least acknowledged but the latest IT trend. Gartner predicts that 75% of companies will use Edge to create and process enterprise-generated data by 2025. Edge computing comprises a computation near the data generators at the network edge. The paradigm processes data closer to where you generated it.

It results in faster processing and excellent action-led output in real-time. You can process data from remote locations using a device or a local server. Further, it reduces latency and stores data in a centralized location when processing it in data centers.

15. Genomics

Modern technologies influence every aspect of businesses today. Of course, healthcare and medicine are no exception. Digital tools, like X-rays, have been around for a while and allow you to diagnose defects in bones and joints. But can you leverage technology to analyze your DNA and beat off diseases? Absolutely!

Genomics technology studies your DNA and genes' makeup and maps them. It also simplifies the diagnosis process and allows doctors and skilled professionals to detect possible health issues before they become critical. It involves technical analysis, design, and diagnostics, besides theoretical research.

Also Read: Top 13 Applications Of Artificial Intelligence In The Healthcare Industry


The Information Technology realm is brutal, to say the least. What you once regarded as a phenomenal solution will become old news in a flash. You must prepare and keep pace with the most recent trends to take the lead in market growth. As numerous products and services continue to shape the digital world, many new technologies wait for their debut to take it by storm.

Of course, it is not as scary as it sounds. You can always begin by identifying the potential benefits and career options a particular technology delivers. Then, you can see if your preferred one matches your goals. Get on board in the early stages to harness trending information technology at a rapid pace.

Hire Software developer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is it essential to learn current trends?
Staying on track with the most recent technology is the way to a successful business. The correct trend can help you in achieving great heights. It assists in coping with market changes and puts forward a flexible and scalable strategy.
What are the emerging trends in information technology?
In addition to the mentioned tech trends, computing power, big data analytics, extended reality, digital trust, new energy solutions, 5G, and sustainable tech are among the emerging technologies that will give you a competitive advantage.
What new technologies does the healthcare sector use?
With the widespread adoption of technology in healthcare, professionals realize and leverage various latest innovations. Digital twins, cloud computing, personalized medicine, and Digital Health are some of the notable IT products within the industry.
Is Information Technology Trends a good thing?
The answer to it varies from one person to another. For the most part, IT trends are a double-sided coin. You would never be bored as tech-savvy with various trends knocking on your door. However, you might feel overwhelmed about which technology to implement and how to get the ball rolling.

Rahul Guleria

Rahul Guleria

I am a digital marketing strategist who loves trying new things, analyzing the data behind them, and helping build brands through content marketing and social media.