How to Hire Full Stack Developers for Your Project?

How to Hire Full Stack Developers for Your Project?

Nowadays, businesses transform digitally, by leverage the expertise of overseas development firms or top-notch remote developers. However, it is very challenging to hire developers that have a good level of expertise.

Are you trying to scale up or grow your business online? Thinking about building a team of full stack web developers? Well, this post is definitely going to guide you through the process.

The full-stack development has been highlighting tech news for a couple of years. Especially, since the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that the demand for full stack web developers would exceed 8,53,000 by 2024.

The origin of full stack web app development goes as far as June 2008. As per Evan Data Group, there are more than 23 million developers across the globe. And by 2023, this number will reach 27.7 million.

Before we begin, it is important to understand the three-tier architecture.

The 3-Tier Architecture

Usually, companies hire web developers with expertise in each of the following tiers;

  • The presentation layer, related to the UI issues presenting data to the end-user. 
  • The business logic layer concerned with data validation and data processing to generate useful information. 
  • The data access layer dealing with data persistence and storage of data.

Who are Full-Stack Developers?

Who are Full Stack Developers?

A full stack web developer is someone who is proficient in a variety of programming languages. These programming languages are helpful for building the front and backend of both web or mobile apps.

Companies prefer to hire full stack developers as it helps them to save a lot of costs, that can be later utilized on business growth. To fully understand the concept, continue reading.

There are various full stack web developers that work on various domains. Here are a few technology stacks based full-stack developers skills set;

1. Full Stack Elixir Developers

Elixir is a functional programming language that creates scalable applications. In fact, it is also the backend of the Phoenix framework that is known for its reliability.

As a backend language, it is integrated with PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, and HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, React, and Angular.

Elixir handles the request of multiple users without any function lags. Of course, the scalable language is fault-tolerant, easy to use, and has a strong developer community. 

2. Mean Stack and Angular Developer: MongoDB, Express, Angular, and NodeJS

The mean stack has JavaScript technologies. From the client to the server-side, the language is completely dependent on JavaScript helping to create high-quality websites.

  • MongoDB Full Stack Developers: The open-source and cross-platform language takes the help of binary data like JSON.
  • Express Full Stack Developers: Highly flexible and lightweight web server framework for robust web apps.
  • AngularJS Full Stack Developers: The open-source framework having MVVM architecture helps the full stack developer to create smarter and faster apps.
  • Full Stack NodeJS Developers: NodeJS full-stack developers work on open source and cross-platform technology that builds highly scalable web applications. 

3. Full Stack React Developers (MERN)

Not only React full-stack development replace AngularJS but also retains all other MEAN technologies.

React full stack developers offer the best experience by saving time, fastening development, and testing. The one-directional data binding makes it highly stable.

4. LAMP or Full Stack PHP Developer 

Not to mention, LAMP or PHP full stack is preferred for Linux hosted websites and apps. Linux is an open-source operating system.

  • Apache: Open-source cross-platform web server software acts as a link to the backend and database.
  • MySQL: Open-source relational database system.
  • PHP: Open source scripting language.

5. Full Stack Python Developers 

Indeed, Python is an object-oriented, high level and general-purpose language that builds highly scalable and responsive apps. Used with PostgreSQL or MySQL for databases, it works well with MongoDB.

Since HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, React and Angular are all front-end languages Python uses. Thus, having a full stack Python developers can definitely give you an edge over your competitors.

6. Full Stack Java Developers

The full-stack Java developers know all the Java-based languages and integrate them with compatible databases and frameworks.

  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JS.
  • Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB
  • Web Server: Apache and Database Servers
  • Back-End: NodeJS, Spring, and other ORM frameworks like JPA and Hibernate 

What is the Role of a Full-Stack Developer?

From managing multiple projects to coordinating with clients, a full-stack web developer can prove to be an asset for your organization. Additionally, they perform the following tasks;

  • Writing backend codes in Python, Rub, or PHP
  • Creating front-end in JavaScript or HTML
  • Analyzing, developing, and debugging database queries 
  • Creating test codes for app validation
  • Keeping tabs on web apps and UI performance
  • Testing and resolving web application bugs

What are the Benefits to Hire a Full-stack Developer?

What are the Benefits of Hiring a Full-Stack Developer?

There are plenty of benefits to hire full-stack developers to oversee projects from ideation to launch and beyond.

1. Accomplished Web/App Developers

A senior full stack developer has the qualifications and experience to add groundbreaking features to the product. Generally speaking, they should have the ability to manage the whole stack from the ground up.

If you want to get good returns, you should invest in the full stack web development, rather than going for cheap offers. It is also because not everyone can have the skill to handle your project from a 360-degree perspective.

2. Versatility

A full stack developer excels in front and backend development. Front-end developers create codes that are responsible for the appearance and interactivity of a site in a browser.

On the other hand, a backend developer writes prototype codes that connect a website to the CMS (content management system). 

The professional full stack developers are foresighted regarding customer’s expectations and finding solutions without depending on others. Read our another post on why to prefer a full stack developer for your startup.

3. Experience

Provided that full stack web developers have a diversified experience across a wide range of technologies and industries, their in-depth knowledge can increase the overall productivity of your project.

So, hire only the top offshore development companies that are certified in full-stack programming languages.

4. Know the Bigger Picture

Not only a full stack developer can write code, but also come up with great suggestions for your project.

5. Upgradation

A professional frontend and backend full stack developer makes a website and app more user-friendly. It's because hiring a dedicated full stack web developer can make it easy to install updates and bring forward technological innovations.

6. All-Inclusive Work

Beyond being the tech head and adding new features that enhance the project, these full stack developers can also represent your company and the product whenever required.

Their ability to swiftly switch from one operation to the other helps in streamlining the processes and fast track the development.

7. Troubleshooting Issues

Full stack developers are well-versed with every aspect and stage of website development. The best full stack developers implement long-term solutions for the optimal functioning of the website or application.

But it is always recommended to work with dedicated developers experienced with full stack programming.

8. Budget-Friendliness

If you have a shoestring budget and need an amazing website, it is ideal to seek full stack development services. They are the ones full-equipped to single-handedly take care of everything.

This eventually saves a lot of money. 

9. Project Ownership

You will find it convenient to rely on the full stack developers for the project requirements. They are accountable for MVP development from start to finish.

Even if they start working in the middle of the project, they will chart in the best way possible. Having a full stack developer is good as they help with the quality assurance of the project.

Beyond taking care of the MVP development, they know how to control the server-side and client-side of the app. This further streamlines fast track delivery.

10. Problem-Solving Skills

Full stack developers know how to solve an issue. They are competent to handle every aspect of the project. This offers a practical solution for startups and small businesses that are unable to spend on expert developers.

11. Management Skills

Companies look forward to full stack web development from the ones that have knowledge and experience of working in the front, backend, and middle architecture layers.

They are capable of performing better than individual developers. 

12. Faster Development

Full stack developers are aware of a diverse range of technologies, tools, and techniques. This means when they take up the project, they complete it at a faster pace. They won’t waste too much time discussing and collaborating with the team and get going.

Want to launch your idea early into the market? Hire a dedicated offshore development team from us & bring your idea to reality 10 times faster in comparison to in-house development.

Under Which Circumstances Should You Hire Full Stack Developers?

Under Which Circumstances Should You Hire Full Stack Developers?

The demand for full stack web developers is driven by the role and requirement of a project. Hiring a full stack developer is a good idea when you;

1. Need an MVP

When the company’s goal is to validate the idea by creating a minimum viable product, a full stack developer is the best bet. He should be capable of understanding the idea and turn it into a fully functional prototype.

2. Require Product Managers

Full stack developers are very good product managers. This is because they clearly understand the business requirement and are aware of their abilities.

Having a diverse skill set and experience, they know how to tackle different situations. Well, these full stack web developers prove to be extremely valuable.

3. Budget is a Constraint

When it becomes challenging to hire different professionals for each layer, then hiring a full stack developer is the right solution. Instead of spending so much on front-end, back-end, QA, designer, etc., is it better to hire one or two full-stack developers?

This will certainly be cost-effective. One another cost-effective way is to set up a dedicated offshore development center in India.

4. Require a CTO

Being non-technical can be a curse sometimes. In such a situation, entrepreneurs usually hire a chief technical officer to work alongside them until the completion of their project.

If your chief technical officer will have the expertise of full stack web app development, that can be a plus.

Top Qualities to Seek in a Full Stack Developer

Look for someone who is;

  • Passionate about learning new things
  • Have knowledge about different technologies
  • Guide you in the right direction
  • Can visualize the big picture 
  • Understand business vision
  • Can understand customer requirements

Must-Have Technical Skills in a Full Stack Web Developer

Must-Have Technical Skills in a Full Stack Developer

1. Git, GitHub, and SourceTree

On every job posting platform, having a good knowledge of Git is a requirement. In fact, a lot of them only accept applications from developers with a Github profile. Moreover, it gives an overview of the coding skills of the developer.

So, it is best to hire full stack developers having familiarity with Git. If they have a profile too, it would be a plus.


HTML and CSS help in styling the content on a web page. It uses markup to define structure while HTML presentation is determined by CSS. When both work together, it becomes possible to build an interactive user interface and experience.

Furthermore, having this skillset in your full-stack developer can be effective for your development process.

Some other front-end skills;

  • Frameworks like Vue.js, AngularJS, Backbone.js, Bootstrap, etc.
  • Libraries like jQuery, AnyChart, etc. 

3. JavaScript

This object scripting language takes the help of HTML to add behavior to it. Developers use JavaScript to write code for servers. So, being apt in JavaScript is beneficial for both your business and full stack developer.

4. Backend

Backend manages database operations and also user authentication. With the help of the frontend, many other functions are also performed. In short, your full stack web developer must be an expert with;

  • General-purpose programming languages like Ruby, Python, Php, etc. 
  • Frameworks like Laravel for Php, Ruby on Rails for Ruby, Django for Python, .Net for C#, Express.js, etc. 
  • API design and development
  • Connecting database and backend

5. Database and Web Storage

Various apps generate data that needs to be stored. A reliable and best full stack developer will certainly understand the following;

  • Relational Database Management System, PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server
  • Design the schema of the database
  • Know how to store data efficiently
  • Difference between rational and non-relational database

6. Web Architecture

Being a full stack developer includes an understanding of web architecture. It includes;

  • Understanding of the code structure formation
  • Data storage
  • Tricks to separate files
  • Working process of computational tasks

7. HTTP and REST

HTTP is a communication protocol used between servers and clients. REST, on the other side, is an interface using HTTP. This generates operations on the data and obtains it in a different format. REST API helps the backend to better understand the front end.

8. A Few Other Skills

  • Knowledge of a web server like Apache, Nginx, etc
  • Operating system deployment tools like Ubuntu, CentOS, FreeBSD, etc
  • Aware of server security issues

Things to Access While Hiring a Full Stack Web Developer

While evaluating the candidates who are technically qualified for the job, look for the following;

  • They should have the ability to deal with uncertainty
  • Passion and interest in learning
  • Look for inherent qualities
  • Make the technical assessment mandatory
  • Choose a good mechanism to evaluate their technical skills

Key Takeaways

Ready to hire full stack developers for your next project.

Well, wait!!

Initiate with the process of making your requirements precise and clear. Get certain of the engagement model you are going to choose between in-house or outsourcing.

Once everything is clear, just keep the guidelines shared above in your mind while conducting the hiring process. We are certain that those guidelines will help you hire the best full stack developers.

In case you are looking for some help, we are here for you. Contact us now and get a free consultation from our business head on hiring full stack developers from India.

Happy hiring :-)

Mangesh Gothankar

Mangesh Gothankar

Seasoned technology professional with over 19 years of experience leading technology innovation and execution with startups and MNCs. Experience in hiring and creating multiple world-class technology teams. Results-oriented with a passion for technology, recognized for successfully planning and executing major initiatives.