Angular vs. React: Which Framework Is Best for Your Next Project?

Angular vs. React: Which Framework Is Best for Your Next Project?

JavaScript frameworks are popular among web developers because they make developing websites fast and easy. In the development marketplace, Angular and React are two of the most versatile frameworks. They provide flexible front-end development applications for use. 

Angular and React are front-end frameworks that allow users to develop intuitive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, Angular vs React has some important differences that should be considered when deciding which framework is best for your next project.

For instance, the major difference between Angular and React is that React provides a better mobile cross-platform framework solution compare to Angular. React provides a better mobile cross-platform framework solution compare to Angular. In addition, Angular ensures data sync at all stages, with two-way data binding that differs from React's one-way data binding. Also, React has an easier learning curve, so the ramp-up time is much faster.

They have their strengths and weaknesses, but which is the best framework for your next project? In this article, we will look at both Angular and React in more detail and compare their strengths and weaknesses to help you decide which one to use for your next project. 

A Brief Introduction to Angular and React


Angular is a structural framework that helps you create dynamic web applications. Its main goal is to simplify application development by reducing repetitive coding tasks. It provides templates, directives, and services that allow you to build rich user interfaces. In addition, the framework provides dependency injection, two-way data binding, expression bindings, modularity, and browser abstraction.  


React is a front-end development framework for building user interfaces maintained by Facebook. React is a library for creating user interfaces. It helps you build reusable elements, making your code easy to read and maintain. Its goal is to make writing UI code easier and more intuitive. 

React is built on top of JavaScript and allows developers to create user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JS. It emphasizes rendering performance. It also manages component updates efficiently. 

As a result, the application's view only needs to get updated when there is a change. It makes applications more efficient and flexible than traditional applications created using web frameworks. 

Angular vs React – The Similarities

Both Angular and React are popular front-end development frameworks when you are looking to hire an Angular developer. They have several common features that may be useful to developers. Here are some of them - 

  • Both frameworks allow developers to create user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  
  • They are both useful for creating applications that run in the browser.  
  • They are both open sources, meaning the source code is available to anyone who wants it for free.  
  • They help developers build the world's most popular websites and simplify the web development process.  
  • They are created and supported by big corporations such as Google and Facebook, respectively, so you can be sure that they will continue to evolve and stay relevant for years to come. 
  • Both frameworks allow web developers to create interactive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  
Must-read: Step-by-Step Guide to Hire Angular Developers

Angular vs React – Differences

However, some important differences between Angular and React should be considered; when deciding which one to use. Here's what these differences are -

1. Performance Considerations

React uses a virtual DOM approach that changes how the browser renders a web page in a high-performance manner. But this framework does not offer a complete solution regarding SEO and flexibility because it does not add scripts to the document.  

Angular is built on two-way data binding, meaning that if you have a large list of items that need to be rendered on the page, the framework will have to go through and update all the bindings for every item in the list. 

2. Approach

Angular was designed to be a full-featured framework, while React takes a more minimalistic approach. As a result, any changes made to the model will be automatically reflected in the view and vice versa. While this can be convenient, it can also lead to performance problems if not used correctly.  

3. Structure

Angular is a complete framework that includes everything you need to develop web applications. It is perfect for large-scale projects due to its robustness and features. 

React is a library rather than a complete framework, meaning you need to use other react libraries or frameworks with it to build web applications. 

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4. Size of Application

Angular applications can be larger than React applications because Angular provides more out-of-the-box functionality. But it can also make the applications more complex and difficult to build. 

React is a more lightweight framework than Angular, better suited for smaller applications, and does not provide as much functionality as Angular. However, this simplicity makes React easier to learn and use. 

5. Popularity

Angular and React are two popular frameworks supporting JavaScript. However, Angular's Popularity has declined recently as hire developers are in demand. It encompasses approximately 22%, while the Popularity of React has increased and reached 40% of the total Popularity in the development market. Both frameworks are used for front-end development, but they have different purposes.

6. Speed of Application

Because of its virtual DOM architecture, React is faster than Angular. Also, the comparative size of the project developed in Angular is marginally higher.

In React, updating virtual DOM is faster than the standard DOM. And the virtual DOM act as a filter between the real DOM modifications to identify the real components. It then updates only those components that have been already modified rather than updating the complete DOM, which saves more time.

7. Two-way Data Binding

 React JS follows a one-way data binding strategy and does not allow a two-way data binding approach. However, in Angular, the two-way data binding is used to display information to the users while allowing users to change the underlying data through the interface.

8. Learning Curve

Although all web developers are well versed with JavaScript Framework, you must estimate the overall time it takes for a developer to learn new features that are introduced with the library or framework.

Because of its NG directive and typescript, the angular framework is considered to have a steep learning curve. With the introduction of TypeScript, the framework is rigid and thus very difficult to adapt to nuances. While it is tough to cover all the features and other options available, you must research the requirements demands.

React JS library has frequent updates that have to be adopted by the developers so that the developers can consider React as an easy-to-learn platform.

Recommended Read: Angular vs React vs Vue

Benefits of Angular vs React Frameworks


  1. Angular frameworks are open source and free to use. It is also easy to learn if you know JavaScript. 
  2. The learning curve for Angular is steep, making it ideal for novice and experienced developers.  
  3. It has a versatile framework for various projects, including simple to complex applications.  
  4. A large community that supports them and is always willing to help.  
  5. It is constantly updated and improved, making it some of the best frameworks. 
  6. It helps developers build high-performance applications by simplifying the development process.  
  7. It also offers features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, routing, and templates that make development easier and faster.  
  8. Angular applications are easy to test and maintain, making them popular for web application development. 


  1. It is known for its ability to create reusable components, making it easier for developers to create large-scale applications.  
  2. It provides a simple way to manage state and data, making it an attractive choice for web development projects. 
  3. React has a low learning curve that is difficult for a beginner to comprehend. 
  4. Popular among web developers because they help them create reusable components to share code across projects.  
  5. It is fast and efficient, making it a good choice for high-traffic websites.  

Recommended Read: 15 Advantages of ReactJS for Application Development

Angular Vs. React – Which One Should You Pick?

React and Angular are both powerful options for web development. However, they have their strengths and weaknesses, so you need to decide which one is better suited for your specific needs. However, React is better for small projects, while Angular is better for larger projects. If you are starting a new project, React is the best option. If you are upgrading an existing project, Angular is the best option.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How is React different from Angular?

React is a JavaScript library, but Angular is a front-end framework. React uses one-way data binding and virtual DOM, but Angular uses two-way data binding and real DOM. Also, React is faster than Angular as it has a smaller bundle size.

Is Angular better than React?

React developers can access various pre-built solutions for development. Also, React outperforms Angular due to its rendering optimization and Virtual DOM implementation.

What is the difference between JavaScript and TypeScript?

JavaScript is a popular programming language for web applications; however, TypeScript is an OOP language that is based on JavaScript.

Is Angular easier than React?

React, compared to Angular, is easy to use and provides developers with different options for performing simple tasks.

Ashwani Kumar

Ashwani Kumar

11+ years of experience as a technology architect. Continuing to grow in leadership and knowledge, excel in innovative technology applications, interact and share with team members and colleagues and develop world-class solutions to real-world challenges.