How Remote Working Is Redefining The Future Of Software Development

How Remote Working Is Redefining The Future Of Software Development

Quick Summary:The emergence of Coronavirus forced businesses to shut down and work from home until further notice comes. Skip nearly three years forward: did that further notice ever come to an end? What is the future of remote working? And what are the benefits of hiring remote developers? Please read the blog to learn the details behind remote software development growth and trends.

Every organization needs to hire software developers to meet customers' demands. Rising innovations enable users to purchase and use your service with a simple click of a button. But it requires a skilled software developer to build the interface that connects you to your customers digitally. 

As a result, software development has become a promising career. Remote working soared when developers realized they could do their well-paying job at home using the Internet. 

Remote working in software development has gained immense traction in the past years. And it does not seem to cease anytime soon. Several organizations had to switch and adapt to remote working at the beginning of the pandemic. No one knew the impact of office closures and remote mode on businesses, employees, and the economy. 

Source: Tech Strong Research

However, the end of the pandemic brought unexpected results. Research revealed about 61.3% of respondents found it more effortless to work across time zones. Meanwhile, around 37.1% said employing flexible part-time staff to accomplish goals is easier.

Knowing how to make the most out of remote technology is essential to stay abreast. After all, your developers can be just as effective when working remotely if you have the right tools. 

This article will walk you through the future of remote working and highlight the benefits and challenges it accompanies.

Key Takeaways
  • The Covid-19 pandemic altered various aspects of life, including work routines. Remote working was among the practical solutions to keep the wheels of the economy turning during this uncertain period.
  • Remote working cuts the costs needed for physical office space and helps you save on utilities, rent, and other overhead expenses. You can redirect these savings towards better tools and resources.
  • Remote working in software development provides more flexibility and agility in organizing development teams.
  • Remote working is here to stay. You must adapt your working environments as the demand for remote working will likely grow from here on out.

The Changing Landscape of Work

Working from home was rare only a few years ago. Remote work was typically available as a special arrangement in specific cases. One in three companies polled that 20% or fewer developers preferred working remotely pre-pandemic. 

Further, around 10.4% of organizations said their developers worked full-time remotely. However, telework technology and teleconferencing have evolved to the point where many firms thrive with remote development teams and collaborations. 

The reason driving its growth? Remote working benefits employers and employees alike. Programming centers around complex algorithms and mathematical software. Consequently, it demands high levels of focus and concentration. 

The traditional offices and workplaces may be too loud and full of interruptions. Hence, working remotely has turned out to be the preferred choice. Startups and businesses of all sizes have adopted the remote work culture. The onslaught of Covid-19 was the primary driver of the practice. 

However, the benefits and strategies remote working provided extended beyond the pandemic and assisted companies in securing the work-life balance. The shift to remote working has considerably reduced spending on networking and security.

Recommended Read: Complete Guide to Hire Remote Developers

Benefits of Hiring Remote Software Developers

Remote working in software development offers immense advantages. For instance,

1. Higher Productivity

Time limit and 9-5 job schedule often restrict in-house developers. The lack of flexibility can affect the project and impact its quality. Remote developers, however, work as per their schedule and prove to be more productive. 

They offer flexible working hours, enabling continuous development and faster turnaround times. Over 59.5% of managers claim remote working improved the productivity of their developers.

Remote developers Focus On Measuring Productivity
Source: Tech Strong Research

2. Access to Global Talent

You do not have to confine yourself to local talent when you hire developers. You can easily work with software engineers globally without worrying about the associated relocation staff costs. 

Not only does working with remote developers open the door to greater talent, but it also presents opportunities to cut development costs. You can connect with global talent and remote software development teams in countries that offer exceptional development services at lower salaries.

3. Better Collaboration

Every project requires adequate and effective collaboration between teams. Remote work promotes the use of communication platforms and tools like file sharing, video conferencing, and online chats. In fact, about 51.3% of employees claim scheduling meetings is easier in remote working.

It enables team members to connect and stay updated with the work progress. Remote developers facilitate enhanced collaboration and combat the geographical barriers for a viable development result.

4. Enhanced Innovation

You can benefit from new and novel ideas by forming a team of professional developers. Remote workers allow you to leverage various tools and technologies without investing in extensive equipment. 

It builds an environment where developers can test and deploy innovative solutions. Remote developers are more focused on presenting cutting-edge and sound technical solutions.

Skills and Adaptations for Remote Software Developers

Recruiting remote developers is challenging; however, it becomes more daunting when you have to hire remote software developers for your project. Finding the right person for the job can be turmoil, especially for someone who has never collaborated with remote workers. 

However, you can simplify the process by learning the requisite skills and adaptation a developer must have. Some mandatory skills include:

1. In-depth Knowledge

A remote developer must possess comprehensive knowledge of the latest and trending technologies and programming languages. 

Ensure the developer harbors adequate industry experience and exposure, is familiar with multiple technologies, and understands your company's requirements.

2. Adaptability

Technical skills are mandatory in the field, but they are not enough. A developer should follow a flexible work approach to suit your needs. 

They must adapt to the project demands, create schedules per deadline, and alter work patterns, depending on the project requirement.

3. Problem-Solving Skills 

Problem-solving capability is an additional skill that adds a sparkle to the developer. They must be able to detect and solve issues on time to build flawless software. 

Moreover, a developer should have the ability to come up with quick solutions to deal with unforeseen events.

4. Communication Skills

Good communication skills are indispensable in the IT sector. It goes hand-in-hand with development expertise. 

An efficient remote developer should keep in touch and communicate with the manager and their team about the project.

5. Interpersonal Skills and Teamwork

A developer does more than just coding. Companies typically hire a group of developers to work on a project. Remote developers must tune and communicate with their teammates for better results. 

Therefore, interpersonal skills are necessary to overcome cultural and behavioural differences and collaborate.

Recommended Read: 21 Best Practices to Manage Remote Teams Effectively

How to Overcome Challenges in Remote Software Development?

The benefits of hiring remote developers are apparent as ever. However, it is not all fun and games. While developers working from home are more productive, they are also prone to some challenges. Here are some listed challenges you may encounter with remote developers and ways to overcome them.

1. Managing Productivity

Many firms dislike remote work fearing employees will work freely without personal control. However, the bitter truth is remote development causes employees to become overworked. 

Remote developers often work through the night and have trouble keeping track of deadlines. Approximately, 47.7% of developers find it difficult to balance work and meetings.

Schedule regular check-ins to support workers and receive an update on their progress. Discuss the challenges and struggles they are facing and provide an answer to their queries for a streamlined development process.

2. Coordinating Schedule

Creating a remote development team can increase your access to talent and allow you to engage with experts worldwide. However, when you hire remote developers, a good chance is they live in different time zones. 

Sometimes, it can be a good thing as the team can stagger efforts and work efficiently. But, conducting training sessions, meetings, and collective activities can be challenging.

It is critical for teams and employers likewise to learn how to work cohesively despite the physical distance. You can utilize helpful resources to update your team and effective communication tools to ensure a smooth and seamless work process.

3. Creating Connection

Handling a global and distributed workforce requires traditional approaches to cultivating company culture. For instance, in-person events and perks may be inaccessible to some team members. 

Therefore, creating a positive and warm collective vibe is integral to achieving desirable service and results with remote developers. 

Remote teams can build strong working relationships with the right management support. Providing regular updates on progress, company goals, and group announcements and conducting video conferences can unify team members and lead to better understanding and results.

4. Consistent Communication

Communication is key to success. It can make or break any team. Your communication frequency, manner, and style are significant for a distributed workforce. Many issues can occur with virtual tools. An employee might miss or misinterpret emails. 

A chat message regarding the project may arrive at a busy moment, only to be forgotten as the day progresses. Such events can give rise to miscommunication and put your reputation at stake. 

A few thoughtful adjustments and implementing solid remote communication practices can help you sidestep these issues. You can begin with having one-on-one meetings to gain deeper insight into individual team members and ensure everyone remains on the same page. 

Define your expectations for communication and choose a centralized hub for general updates and interpersonal interactions.

5. Trust and Accountability

If professionals are working from home, who is to say they will not succumb to distraction and slack off? Trust and accountability continue to be among the most concerning aspects of remote working. 

Although the benefits of hiring remote developers suggest these worries are unfounded, you must balance smothering scrutiny and effective oversight.

Refrain from micromanaging and constantly bugging your employees for an update without much reason. It will impede productivity and affect their working style. You should offer information and communicate your expectations clearly to execute your team.

6. Coordinating Tasks and Projects

Managing time zones, different schedules, and workloads present another layer of challenge in coordinating projects and tasks. Ensuring your clients receive their products can be arduous unless you frame a specific system to synchronize projects. 

Lack of coordination in work can result in wasted resources and delayed projects. You must ensure every team member is involved in the project and understands their role in achieving the goal. 

Set up a meeting to define the objective, scope, and timeline to kick off the project. Further, make sure to stay in touch with the team.

Shaping the Future of Software Development with Remote Developers

The concept of remote working is growing, and organizations have realized the same. Making the right calls to hire remote developers is essential to succeed in the global marketplace. Reduced costs and access to qualified developers worldwide are only a couple of reasons for its growth.

Employee turnover is a negative thing for your business. You dedicate your time and resources to recruiting an employee. Remote workers contribute to maintaining a high employee retention rate. 

Developers stay longer with the companies than those working in a conventional office setting. Their work-life balance and flexibility increase job satisfaction and loyalty.

Hiring allows you to prioritize core operations. It also reduces the overload of the IT team and enables them to focus on more significant tasks. 

Further, you no longer need to maintain an in-house team and shoulder the overhead costs. In addition, you can expect better product quality and customer experience when comparing in-house vs remote developers.

Remote working has transformed the way organizations work. It offers opportunities to developers to work with companies that align with their professional and personal goals. About 64.4% of remote workers anticipate working remotely permanently or three or more days a week even after the pandemic. However, only 12.7% desired to return to the on-site office full-time.

Overall, remote working in software development fosters a more inclusive and conducive workplace culture and allows individuals from diverse backgrounds to showcase their perspectives and skills.

How YTII can Help you Redefining Your Remote Software Development Team?

Finding reliable and professional remote developers is not easy. Want to know how to find remote developers in India? Your Team In India (YTII) is the platform for you. We are a leading offshore software development and services provider. We specialize in providing remote software development services and can assist you in building a successful remote development team. 

We make it quick and easy to engage experts worldwide with the precise skill sets you require. You will witness increased productivity, cost-effective solutions, and faster turnaround times once you collaborate with our versatile remote programmers.

Some primary perks of working with YTII include the following:

  • Agile Development

We abide by an agile development approach to ensure your product meets the current business needs and changing market conditions.

  • Bug-free Coding

We have a team of top remote software developers ready to work and build high-performing and bug-free software to boost your business growth.

  • Seamless Communication

We offer developers fluent in English to facilitate smooth and hassle-free communication throughout the project.

  • Talent Across Technologies

A large talent pool of over 200 programmers well-versed in the latest technologies and tech stack is available to help you develop software.

  • On-demand Scaling

You can hire remote developers from the readily accessible talent pool to scale your team whenever required.

We can vouch that our experts will handle the project efficiently and professionally. When we help you find the ideal talent for your project, the process will be a lot less challenging to lead.


The demand for adept software developers continues to skyrocket as technological advancements emerge daily. Talent is not limited to a single location; it is scattered across the globe. It is imperative for businesses to recognize the potential of hiring professional developers and tap into the broad talent pool. 

Embracing the new normal will enable you to access a pool of top talent, improve productivity, and decrease overhead costs.
Remote working is revolutionizing software development, offering unmatched benefits beyond expectations. The benefits of hiring remote developers overshadow the challenges the strategy brings.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Does the Future Hold for Remote Working?
Remote working is set to become more seamless owing to the advancements in connectivity. It creates more anonymous work environments and provides enhanced protection from potential threats. 
Is a Remote Development Team a Good Investment?
Yes! The remote development team is a good investment and promises bright results. It presents a unique opportunity in the face of crisis and enables companies to deliver innovative and quality solutions.
What are the Potential Future Trends and Implications of Remote Work in Software Development?
Remote working in software development is an essential perk. While the structure of remote working keeps evolving, it is here to stay. It will continue to grow as technological advances like AI become a part of the IT sector.

Rahul Guleria

Rahul Guleria

I am a digital marketing strategist who loves trying new things, analyzing the data behind them, and helping build brands through content marketing and social media.